Landscaping Your Yard In Idaho & Utah

Dry summers and cold winters can make it hard to maintain a beautiful yard in the West. Certain plants can be picky about the amount of sun they consume in a day, while others don’t last freezing temperatures during the winter season. A healthy lawn requires that you pay attention to the characteristics of plants that match your climate. Let us help!

If you are a beginner in landscaping, you probably haven’t heard of hardiness zones. A hardiness zone is a geographic location defined to encompass a certain range of climate conditions pertinent to a plants survival and growth.

Click here to view the plant hardiness zone map. Southeast Idaho and Northern Utah range from zone 5a to 6a. Below are a few flowers you might consider when planning out your garden.

Zone 5 Flowers

dianthus plant

Dianthus Plant

Plant anywhere they will receive at least 6 hours of sun.
delphinium plant

Delphinium Plants

Normally in the back of the flower bed. Flower spikes can reach 2-6 ft tall. Gentle morning sun is preferable. Provide afternoon shade, especially when planted in hotter zones.
purple coneflower

Purple Coneflower

Plant anywhere they will receive at least 6 hours of sun.
dropworts plan

Dropworts Plant

Usually found in the back or middle ground of the garden bed. This plant likes the sun, but will tolerate the shade.
poppy flowers

Poppy Flowers

Plant in a sunny location. Divide poppies in autumn to allow time for the taproot to restore itself.

Zone 6 Flowers



Be sure soil is evenly moist. Flower bed bust drain well. Avoid pruning for the first few years.


Plant in a sunny to partly shady location for most variety of flowers.


Good drainage is important. These plants won’t tolerate soggy roots or standing water. Shasta Daisies will take well to a lightly shaded area.


At least 6 hours of sun each day. Must be located in a well-drained area. At least 6 hours of sun each day. Must be located in a well-drained area.


Plant in lightly shaded areas.

Zone 5 Trees

  • Autumn Brillance serviceberry.
  • Dwarf Red buckeye.
  • Chinese Fringe tree.
  • Japanese Lilac tree.
  • PeeGee Hydrangea tree.
  • Walker’s Weeping peashrub.
  • Thornless Cockspur hawthorn.
  • Russian Olive.

Zone 6 Trees

  • Amur Maple
  • Austrian Pine
  • Dawn Redwood
  • European Mountain Ash
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Japanese Maple
  • Paper Bark Birch
  • Paperbark Cherry